17 & 18 October 2017 · Olympia London

Day 2 - Wednesday 18 October 2017

09.00 - 10.00

KEYNOTE: Expertise in an era of easy answers

David White, Head of Digital Learning - University of the Arts, UK

Abundant online information provides easy answers to easy questions. Unfortunately it can also provide easy answers to complex questions, potentially eroding our ability to interrogate, evaluate and synthesise sources. In this talk, David White will explore the role libraries can play in countering the ‘think-less find-more’ mentality encouraged by the Web and the corresponding mistrust of ‘experts’ . In a time when we can Google our way to almost any answer, access to content has become less important than access to people who understand what that content means and where to head next.

10.00 - 10.30

Coffee Break and Sponsor Showcase Opens

10.30 - 11.00

Track A

Track B

Track C

A201 - Super search skills

Moderator: Marydee Ojala, Editor-in-Chief - KMWorld Magazine & Editor, Enterprise AI World

Internet librarians possess many super powers, one of which is our phenomenal ability to research any topic and provide accurate, relevant and timely answers. This super power requires constant nurturing. Keep your search super powers up to speed by learning about new and changed search features, innovative websites and ground-breaking search technologies.

Celebrate your super search powers
Marydee Ojala, Editor-in-Chief - KMWorld Magazine & Editor, Enterprise AI World

B201 - Library advocacy

Moderator: Jan Holmquist, Global Librarian - Library & Leadership Consultant - Holmquist Consult

Libraries continue to search for the best ways to change people's perceptions of what a modern library is, and why libraries are more important than ever before. It sounds so easy - yet it is so hard. One way of marketing the library is through powerful stories to both politicians and the public. Stories that are relevant to our communities and connect with our feelings. Get inspired, learn about successful advocacy projects and get insights into the work of the Library Advocacy Lab.

Advocacy with heart
Jan Holmquist, Global Librarian - Library & Leadership Consultant - Holmquist Consult

C201 - Supporting the modern research cycle

Moderator: Phil Bradley, Information Specialist & Independent Consultant, UK

Librarians have been closely associated with the research cycle providing services including search, reference management, content discovery, knowledge of social media, altmetrics and research data management. Researchers now need to understand a multitude of topics including digital copyright, impact, research data sharing, open access, infographics, and mobile apps. Is it time for the creation of a new role - the research technologist or digital academic specialist?

The new digital academic specialist
Andy Tattersall, Information Specialist - University of Sheffield, UK
11.15 - 12.15

A202 - Panel Session - The post-fact landscape

Moderator: Terence Huwe, Library Director (Emeritus) - Institute for Research on Labor & Employment, University of California, USA

In this session we discuss a topic that has relevance to all information professionals. Chaired by Terence Huwe, our invited international expert panel considers the fake news phenomenon and explores implications for the internet librarian. Each panellist will consider the extent to which ‘the fake’ has impacted on their organisation and sector and discuss how they have responded to the challenges. The session then proposes how the internet librarian can best respond to the varied challenges of ‘the post-factual landscape’.

Using library super powers to save the world!
Moderator: Terence Huwe, Library Director (Emeritus) - Institute for Research on Labor & Employment, University of California, USA
Matt Benzing, Engineering and Computing Librarian - Miami University, USA
Ingeborg Rygh Hjorthen, Researcher - Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation/ Faktisk.no
Krystal Vittles, Libraries Innovation and Development Manager - Suffolk Libraries, UK

B202 - Broadcasting the library

Moderator: Jan Holmquist, Global Librarian - Library & Leadership Consultant - Holmquist Consult

Hear how librarians are taking advantage of the surge of interest in podcasting and digital radio to market their library services. Since its launch in 2015 thousands of people have tuned into Librarians Aloud on SoundCloud. Hear how you can develop a low budget, high impact podcast. Librarians at University College Cork produce a weekly hour-long broadcast that combines music with news about library resources. An annual 24-hour popup radio show markets the library at the university of Sheffield.

CASE STUDY - Librarians aloud! A DIY podcast to amplify librarian voices
Laura Rooney Ferris, Systems Librarian & Repository Manager - Health Service Executive (HSE), Ireland
Michael Ferris, Library Assistant - The Bar of Ireland, Ireland
CASE STUDY - Shush: Sounds from UCC Library – using a live music radio show to broadcast the library
Martin O'Connor, Administrative Assistant, Collection Development and Management - University College Cork, Ireland
Ronan Madden, Acquisitions Librarian - University College Cork, Ireland
CASE STUDY - 24 Hour Inspire pop-up radio station
Andy Tattersall, Information Specialist - University of Sheffield, UK

C202 - The changing scholarly communications landscape

Moderator: Alison McNab, Academic Librarian (Research Support) - University of Huddersfield, UK

How is the scholarly communications landscape changing? In some institutions, the office of scholarly communication is acting as a one-stop-shop to help researchers and others maximise the impact of their research outputs. In an overall effort to serve as an important option to the mounting costs of textbooks specifically and higher education in general, librarians can offer up their knowledge, skill and training as partners in the development and evaluation of Open Educational Resources (OER). Librarians are in a unique position to offer support for faculty seeking to incorporate OER into their courses.

CASE STUDY - Office of Scholarly Communication - challenges and triumphs
Dr Danny Kingsley, Deputy Director, Scholarly Communication and Research Services - Cambridge University Library, UK
Claire Sewell, Research Support Skills Coordinator - Cambridge University Library, UK
CASE STUDY - Libraries and open educational resources
Bruce Massis, Director of Libraries, Accreditation Liaison Officer, Academic Affairs - Columbus State Community College, USA
12.15 - 13.30

Lunch Break and Visit the Sponsor Showcase

13.30 - 14.15

A203 - Experiments in search and discoverability

Moderator: Marydee Ojala, Editor-in-Chief - KMWorld Magazine & Editor, Enterprise AI World

The University of Toronto Library has started work on an experimental ‘Serendipitous Browser’ that combines linked data principles with the web-browsing strategies of students. At Leeds Beckett University, the introduction of a small ‘Request a Copy’ button to the institutional repository generated requests from across the globe and helped the library approach discoverability in a new way.

CASE STUDY - Serendipitous search – strategies for linking libraries to reality
Alastair Boyd, Head, Cataloguing & Metadata Services - University of Toronto Libraries, Canada
CASE STUDY - Request a copy – how a small button made a big impact
Jennifer Bayjoo, Research Services Advisor - Leeds Beckett University, UK

B203 - Internal influence: from basement to boardroom

Moderator: Liz McGettigan, Director of Digital Library Experiences - SOLUS, UK

Two stories about improving the image of the organisational library. At IFAD, the library had been relegated to the basement and was about to die. Now it is recognised as an integral part of the organisation’s information architecture and KM strategy. Hear how the library’s fortunes were turned around. At Roche, by helping to deliver a successful intranet, the library demonstrated organisational relevance.

CASE STUDY - Back from the brink: how to save a library
Sundeep Vaid, Librarian - International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD), Italy
CASE STUDY - From drab to fab: redesigning an intranet
Arthur Robbins, Library & Information Centre Manager - Roche Products Ltd, UK

C203 - Supporting the digital scholar

Moderator: Alison McNab, Academic Librarian (Research Support) - University of Huddersfield, UK

How are universities working to better support the digital scholar? At the University of Illinois, an IDEA Lab will serve as a node in a multi-facility design learning network. At the University of Leeds, a library led social media initiative set out to engage with the research community to promote both OA research papers and datasets.


CASE STUDY - The changing role of the library in digital scholarship
William H Mischo, Head, Grainger Engineering Library Information Center; Berthold Family Professor in Information Access and Discovery - University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA
Mary Schlembach, Chemistry & Physical Sciences Librarian - University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA
CASE STUDY - Using social media and quantitative metrics to engage the research community
Nick Sheppard, Research Data Management Advisor - University of Leeds, UK
14.30 - 15.15

A204 - Teaching students about information integrity

Moderator: Matt Benzing, Engineering and Computing Librarian - Miami University, USA

Too often library users will ignore detailed instructional materials and higher-end online resources, choosing instead to simply Google it. This session provides practical responses to students who claim ‘everything is available on the internet’. How can libraries help students develop into independent learners and digitally literate citizens?

CASE STUDY - “It’s all free on the internet”: developing library search using student feedback
Ruth Graham, Eresources and Licensing Coordinator - University of Worcester, UK
CASE STUDY - Search, refine, evaluate: teaching search to students using three words
Laurence Morris, Academic Librarian - Leeds Beckett University, UK

B204 - Using tech to encourage engagement

Moderator: Åke Nygren, Project Leader - Stockholm Public Library, Sweden

Two case studies about increasing user engagement. One library created video photo essays to tell behind the scenes stories that were suggested by the users themselves. The other developed an augmented reality tour to introduce users to its collections, buildings and services.

CASE STUDY - Behind the scenes at the library: telling our stories visually in digital media
Heather Buchansky, Student Engagement Librarian - University of Toronto Libraries, Canada
Jesse Carliner, Communications and User Services Librarian - University of Toronto Libraries, Canada
CASE STUDY - Using AR to engage students in the library
Leanna Fry Balci, Instructional Design Librarian - Brigham Young University, USA

C204 - Tools and networks to support researchers

Moderator: William H Mischo, Head, Grainger Engineering Library Information Center; Berthold Family Professor in Information Access and Discovery - University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA

How are scholars using software and networks to support them through the research lifecycle? This session features an overview and update on recent developments in reference management software and an overview of research into the scale and nature of researchers use of collaboration networks.

Reference management software – the latest trends
Alison McNab, Academic Librarian (Research Support) - University of Huddersfield, UK
Trends in scholarly communication networks
Charlie Rapple, Co-founder - Kudos, UK
15.15 - 15.30

Tea in the Sponsor Showcase

15.30 - 16.00

Final Keynote and Conference Roundup

Phil Bradley, Information Specialist & Independent Consultant, UK
Marydee Ojala, Editor-in-Chief - KMWorld Magazine & Editor, Enterprise AI World
Jan Holmquist, Global Librarian - Library & Leadership Consultant - Holmquist Consult

Join the conference chairs for a round-up of this year's conference.

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