ILI 2017 At-a-Glance
[Click session titles for more information]
Preconference Workshops - Monday 16 October 2017
Day 1 - Tuesday 17 October 2017
09:00 - 10:00
KEYNOTE: Making a noise about a quiet revolution
Kate Torney celebrates the quiet revolution within libraries and the sector's embrace of disruption - but suggests the time for modesty is over. How do we find and communicate our value to ensure the success and sustainability of our institutions? How do we lead necessary transformation while staying true to our founding ideals?
Presenter Kate Torney, CEO, State Library of Victoria, Australia
Track A:
The New Library,
The New Librarian
Track B:
Users, UX and Usage
Track C:
Content Creativity
Track X:
ILI Extra
Day 2 - Wednesday 18 October 2017
09:00 - 10:00
KEYNOTE: Expertise in an era of easy answers
Abundant online information provides easy answers to easy questions. Unfortunately it can also provide easy answers to complex questions, potentially eroding our ability to interrogate, evaluate and synthesise sources. In this talk, David White will explore the role libraries can play in countering the ‘think-less find-more’ mentality encouraged by the Web and the corresponding mistrust of ‘experts’ . In a time when we can Google our way to almost any answer, access to content has become less important than access to people who understand what that content means and where to head next.
Presenter David White, Head of Digital Learning, University of the Arts, UK
Track A:
Fight the Fake,
Find the Facts
Track B:
Marketing the Library
Track C:
New Scholarly
Track X:
ILI Extra
15:30 - 16:00
Final Keynote and Conference Roundup
Join the conference chairs for a round-up of this year's conference.
There's more to ILI than the ideas and inspiration generated at the conference. ILI365 extends the ILI community throughout the year, enabling continuing discussions and the exchange of ideas and expertise. How will you and your fellow delegates use the ideas and inspiration gained at ILI to enhance your professional skills and the value of the services you offer in the year ahead?
Presenters Phil Bradley, Information Specialist & Independent Consultant, UK
Marydee Ojala, Editor, Online Searcher, Computers in Libraries Magazine, & Editor-in-Chief, KMWorld Magazine
Jan Holmquist, Global Librarian - Library & Leadership Consultant, Holmquist Consult
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