17 & 18 October 2017 · Olympia London

Day 1 - Tuesday 17 October 2017

09.00 - 10.00

KEYNOTE: Making a noise about a quiet revolution

Kate Torney, CEO - State Library of Victoria, Australia

Kate Torney celebrates the quiet revolution within libraries and the sector's embrace of disruption - but suggests the time for modesty is over. How do we find and communicate our value to ensure the success and sustainability of our institutions? How do we lead necessary transformation while staying true to our founding ideals?

10.00 - 10.30

Coffee Break and Sponsor Showcase Opens

10.30 - 11.00

Track A

Track B

Track C

A101 - The super-powered library

Moderator: Jan Holmquist, Global Librarian - Library & Leadership Consultant - Holmquist Consult

Library fusion is not about new technology but about developing excellence in the physical, social, technological and online experiences we offer. If libraries are to thrive they must become experiential, entrepreneurial, experimental spaces where access to technology enhances opportunities to learn, work and create.

The fusion library: developing the 21st century experience library
Liz McGettigan, Director of Digital Library Experiences - SOLUS, UK

B101 - Future ready: trend watching

Moderator: Marydee Ojala, Editor-in-Chief - KMWorld Magazine & Editor, Enterprise AI World

This high-level overview looks at some of the recent societal and business trends that are impacting us all, as well as how innovative libraries are responding to them. How can we assess whether a trend is merely a fad? How are libraries learning from each other as well as learning from outside trends? What are the new opportunities for library engagement?

Trend spotting and the future of engagement
Kenn Bicknell, Manager, Policy Research & Library Services - Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority, USA

C101 - Cutting edge content

Moderator: Phil Bradley, Information Specialist & Independent Consultant, UK

Hear how the British Library collaborates creatively with partners including Wikimedia, WordPlay, Burning Man Festival and the National Videogame Arcade, and participation in International Games Week in Libraries. Her talk will encompass experimentation, and making apps, games and interactive fiction using digitised collections.

Places of inspiration: playing and making in the library
Stella Wisdom, Digital Curator - The British Library, UK
11.15 - 12.15

A102 - New thinking, new structures, new collaborations

Moderator: Liz McGettigan, Director of Digital Library Experiences - SOLUS, UK

Hear how libraries have transformed the way they work and the services they offer to respond to a new world. A group of UK universities made the decision to acquire a shared, multi-site library management system which needed collaboration on a deep level. Scotland’s national strategy for public libraries is focused on ambition and opportunity. The Municipal Library Network of Barcelona transformed its service offerings to provide creative and innovative new learning experiences and support open citizenship.

CASE STUDY - Shared library, shared system, shared benefits
Dave Puplett, Drill Hall Library Manager - Universities at Medway, UK
CASE STUDY - Delivering digital: ambition and opportunity
Gillian Daly, Head of Policy & Projects - Scottish Library & Information Council, UK
CASE STUDY - Bibliolab: a commitment to creation, experimentation and innovation in the XBM public libraries
Núria Pi Vendrell, Head of the IT Department, Public Library Services Management Office - Diputació de Barcelona, Spain

B102 - User-driven space planning

Moderator: Kenn Bicknell, Manager, Policy Research & Library Services - Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority, USA

By working with users and being led by both users' expressed needs and by their observed behaviour, libraries can totally transform their service offerings. A refurbishment programme was led by student behaviour and resulted in a new zoning system - and a ‘love where you learn' campaign. A library renovation project used a variety of methods to gather data from library users to provide insight to staff, the architect and the designers. The result was a library conducive to scholarship.

CASE STUDY - Going with the tide: reshaping the library around our clients
David Bennett, Assistant Librarian (Promotions), The University Library - University of Portsmouth, UK
CASE STUDY - Evidence-based renovation: how libraries can engage user behaviour to inform space planning
Willie Miller, Informatics & Journalism Librarian - Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis, USA
Paul Moffett, Head of Access Services - Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis, USA

C102 - Collaborative collections

Moderator: Stella Wisdom, Digital Curator - The British Library, UK

People's Collection Wales is a bilingual, collaborative and federated programme developed by national institutions of Wales to tell the (digital) story of a nation from the perspective of its people. Hear about APIs, widgets, microsites and visualisation of the data behind the website. The collaborative approach to the Rio 2016 Olympics and Paralympics international web archiving project required effective outreach strategies. Based at Rice University, OpenStax provides free, peer-reviewed, openly licensed college textbooks that are based online. OpenStax has teamed up with the UK Open Textbooks project to bring their books to the UK. 


CASE STUDY - Capturing the story of Wales through the People’s Collection
Michael Jones, Technical Officer - National Library of Wales, UK
Berian Elias, Community Engagement Officer - National Library of Wales, UK
CASE STUDY - Rio 2016: collaborative web archiving experience
Helena Byrne, Curator of Web Archives - The British Library, UK
UK Open Textbooks
Dr Rebecca Pitt, Research Associate - UK Open Textbooks Project The Open University (UK
12.30 - 13.15

A103 - Empowering the digital citizen

Moderator: Gillian Daly, Head of Policy & Projects - Scottish Library & Information Council, UK

How can we nurture and empower the digital citizen? Users trust librarians to protect the privacy of their reading and browsing histories. What practical steps can library professionals take to protect user privacy, and are there examples of good practice that the profession can make use of? Stockholm Public Libraries is exploring the use of a data detox suitcase to raise awareness about threats to privacy.

Can librarians guarantee to protect user privacy?
Paul Pedley, PhD student - City, University of London, UK
CASE STUDY - Digital empowerment and the data detox suitcase
Åke Nygren, Project Leader - Stockholm Public Library, Sweden

B103 - Learning from user experience

Moderator: Willie Miller, Informatics & Journalism Librarian - Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis, USA

Innovative ways of understanding the user experience can have a profound impact on service design. Hear how an academic library found new UX-inspired ways to develop real insights into user behaviours and service use after it stopped surveying students! A public library service has used service design and customer journey mapping to gain a deeper understanding of user needs, expectations and behaviours.

CASE STUDY - UX in the library: finding out and doing things without surveys
Carl Barrow, Student Engagement Manager - University of Hull, UK
CASE STUDY - Service design and customer journey mapping to improve user experience
Eva Hveem, IT & Innovations Librarian, Department of Digital Inclusion & Skills - Helsingborg Public Libraries, Sweden
Maria Sunebrand, Librarian, Department of Literature and Reading - Helsingborg Public Libraries, Sweden

C103 - Mobilising content on a shoestring

Moderator: Catherine Dhanjal, Director PR & Marketing, - TheAnswer Ltd, UK

Although libraries and archives are making great strides into the digital space, keeping pace with user demands is expensive. Corals is a new innovation, created by the Library of Birmingham and some techies, that allows any library with an archive to make digital content available online inexpensively. Explore innovative ways to present collections and engage digital audiences, the importance of simple design, the imaginative use of metadata and novel ways to commercialise assets. For Cengage, digitising its vast microfilm library promised great things - but was a major challenge.  Hear how the publisher built a model for accessing this content that would work for universities and benefit academics.

Bringing together audiences, archives and digital innovation
Matthew Jelfs, Head of Content - Ammba Digital, UK
Unlocking history: the Archives Unbound story
Sam Syddall, Field Sales Executive - Gale, a Cengage Company, UK
13.15 - 14.30

Lunch Break and Visit the Sponsor Showcase

14.30 - 15.00

A104 - New roles for a new world

Moderator: Marydee Ojala, Editor-in-Chief - KMWorld Magazine & Editor, Enterprise AI World

It’s time for libraries and librarians to assess their data strategies and to think about new opportunities, new research partners, and new roles. One new role – data curation – is already in play. The second new role – the information professional as data scientist – provides more challenges.

The rise of the data librarian
Terence Huwe, Library Director (Emeritus) - Institute for Research on Labor & Employment, University of California, USA

B104 - Transforming a traditional library

Moderator: Liz McGettigan, Director of Digital Library Experiences - SOLUS, UK

In two years, a traditional hospital library service has been transformed into a modern forward-focused service. The library now provides 24/7 IT access to personal and clinical resources in the library as well as a wide array of technologies, curated desktops and much more. Hear how this was achieved – and how everything happened within budget!

CASE STUDY - The library redesign at Luton and Dunstable Hospital
John Barbrook, Head of Library and Learning Resources - Luton and Dunstable University Hospital, UK

C104 - New university presses

Moderator: Sharon L Bostick, Dean of Libraries - Illinois Institute of Technology, Chicago, USA

New university presses have been formed because of unhappiness with the existing publishing landscape, a desire to better serve students and in response to researcher’s requests. Hear how these university presses are performing, what innovative directions they may take in the future, and the pros and cons of libraries launching their own publishing programmes.

New university presses – motivations, innovations and results
Lisa Walton, Executive Editor - Veruscript, UK
15.15 - 16.15

A105 - Tools for transformed teams

Moderator: Phil Bradley, Information Specialist & Independent Consultant, UK

Many libraries spend money on expensive communication and project management tools. The good news is that there are dozens of free-to-use tools that are web-based and free and easy to use. This session introduces some of the top tools for team communication and project management and looks at how some of these tools are succeeding in transforming the effectiveness of library teams.

Apps for library teams
Phil Bradley, Information Specialist & Independent Consultant, UK
Tech tips and tools to make your life easier
Robbie Beak, Director - Ammba Digital, UK
CASE STUDY - Supercharge your team communication with Slack
Andrew Colgoni, Services Librarian, Thode Library, H.G. Thode Library of Science and Engineering - McMaster University, Canada

B105 - Putting usage data to work

Moderator: Sharon L Bostick, Dean of Libraries - Illinois Institute of Technology, Chicago, USA

Data is driving decision-making in libraries. Hear how Jisc has begun to augment its library analytics services with data visualisations that can convey complex usage data quickly and easily. User satisfaction is a never-ending project. The University Library of Borås has measured and pinned down every single question asked at the library information point between September 2014 and September 2016! The result is a unique collection of user data that continues to inform library services.

Every picture tells a story: the power of good data visualisation
Siobhan Burke, Programme Manager, Library Support Services - Jisc, UK
CASE STUDY - Good customer relationships, proving value every day – the sequel!
Christel Olsson, Teaching University Librarian - University Library of Borås, Sweden
Tove Lekselius, Manager of Customer Services - University Library of Borås, Sweden

C105 - Marketing content and collections

Moderator: Marydee Ojala, Editor-in-Chief - KMWorld Magazine & Editor, Enterprise AI World

What tools and techniques are being used to help build audiences for collections? At the ETH Library in Switzerland, a new content-marketing platform shares stories about digital curation and the collections and archives. In Spain a project is encouraging the public to interact with and respond to digital objects placing the citizen at the centre of the collection. Arthur Weiss has some advice on how to use the top content curation tools to share and market content and collections.

CASE STUDY - Multimedia storytelling at ETH Library
Deborah Kyburz, Web & Digital Media, Innovation and Development - ETH Library, Switzerland
CASE STUDY - Using multimedia tools to spread poetry collections
Fernando Vilariño, Associate Director - Computer Vision Centre UAB, Spain
Dan Norton, Artist Researcher - Computer Vision Centre UAB, Spain
Onur Ferhat, Assistant Teacher - Computer Vision Centre UAB, Spain
Blowing your own trumpet: web tools to facilitate content sharing
Arthur Weiss, Managing Director - AWARE
16.15 - 16.45

Tea Break and Visit the Sponsor Showcase

16.45 - 17.30

A106 - Open all hours

Moderator: Alison McNab, Academic Librarian (Research Support) - University of Huddersfield, UK

In Allerød, north of Copenhagen, the library is always open to the citizens. Library Director Annette Wolgenhagen Godt explores what they have learned so far, how the members of her community use the library during selfservice hours and includes a few funny stories. In response to student feedback, Kimberlin Library at De Montfort University became a 24/7 service a year ago. Hear about the challenges of staffing 24/7, how the transition was managed and about student use and expectations of the service.

CASE STUDY - 24/7/364 The library that is always open
Annette Wolgenhagen Godt, Library Director - Allerød Libraries, Denmark
CASE STUDY - Lessons learned from one year of 24/7 opening
Jane Mansfield, Senior Assistant Librarian - De Montfort University, UK

B106 - Users and you – the best user-focused resources Phil has found.

Phil Bradley, Information Specialist & Independent Consultant, UK
Liz McGettigan, Director of Digital Library Experiences - SOLUS, UK

Phil Bradley and Liz McGettigan in conversation

In this session Liz McGettigan and Phil Bradley discuss what users really want from libraries and librarians and demonstrate some of the best tools and apps that Phil has found in his never-ending search for the best, most practical (and free!) library resources around.

C106 - Content creation and curation

Moderator: Mary Peterson, Knowledge Manager - South Australia Health Library Service, Australia

The King's Fund's Information and Knowledge Services (IKS) are always looking to find innovative ways to make sense of information about the constantly changing landscape of the NHS. They create relevant, topical and timely content in a variety of formats. At the School of Health and Related Research (ScHARR) videos guide users in the use of learning and research apps.

CASE STUDY - Creating and reusing content to make sense of the NHS
Hong-Anh Nguyen, Information Centre Manager, Information and Knowledge Services - The King's Fund, UK
Deena Maggs, Head of Information & Knowledge Services - The King's Fund, UK
CASE STUDY - App hacks – how to curate educational apps
Andy Tattersall, Information Specialist - University of Sheffield, UK
17.30 - 18.30

Conference Reception in the Sponsor Showcase

All attendees are invited to a Drinks Reception from 17.30 – 18.30 in the Sponsor Showcase, hosted by Information Today.

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